Fifth Sussex Calf at Upper Woodhill Farm

Bull calf number three
Bull calf born out in the field last night

A fifth calf was born at Upper Woodhill Farm on Monday night, but this one had not been expected and its mother had been out in the field rather than in Andrew’s pen that serves as Upper Woodhill Farm’s labour ward.

Andrew found the calf, a bull calf, several meters from its mother who had not been able to get up after giving birth. The calf had not been able to feed and was looking very weak. He got its mother to her feet and was able to get some colostrum into the calf who started to improve quickly.

Both mother and calf are now doing well but it goes to show that this is an unpredictable business and nature will keep you on your toes.

This is the fifth Sussex calf to be born into the Woodhill herd – two heifers and three bull calfs. The other two bull calfs joined Lottie out on The Bumps today and were clearly enjoying bouncing around in the warm Spring sunshine. Click here for more pictures. Keep checking the site for updates.

Bouncing calves
Bouncing calves
Enjoying the Sunshine
Two Sussex calves enjoy the Spring Sunshine

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