Tomato Blight Tip from RHS Wisley

For the last three years we have lost our entire tomato crop to Tomato Blight. The weather in June has been hot and dry and our tomato plants have grown strong, with plenty of green tomatoes by the end of July. I get the bacon and the frying pan ready and at the start of August it starts to rain and doesn’t stop.

This year, as you will know, has been no different. So when the weather turned I took myself off to RHS Wisley to ask the experts and as you can see from the photo (left) we are currently enjoying bacon and freshly picked tomatoes for breakfast every morning.

So what is their tip. Easy – two table spoons of bicarbonate of soda in a gallon of water and spray the plants after each time it rains. This organic remedy works by turning the PH on the leaves from acid to alkaline preventing the blight fungus from taking hold. I have also been feeding them once a week with organic feed. They taste fantastic. Goodbye blight, so long green tomato chutney.

Cherry TomatoesTomatoes ripening on a daily basis

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